Ven. Paltul Rinpoche’s latest project at the Pal Demo site is the Karma Woesel Doe-joe Ling Medical School. Here, prospective
Tibetan doctors will be educated, supervised by Rinpoche himself. The school building will consist of 110 small rooms, 20 large
rooms, and one main prayer hall. Each small room will cost US $ 3,500, each large room US $ 4,000 $ and the main prayer hall US $ 400,000.
There are just two major medical schools in the Tibetan world, the Men-Tsee-Khang Lhasa and the New Men-Tsee-Khang medical institute
in Dharamsala. The Karma Woesel Doe-joe Ling Medical School aims to be the third.
Pal Demo people are famous for producing Tibetan herbal medicine. The methods of making these precious healing pills have
been passed down for hundreds of years, and are highly sophisticated. As a result the herbal medicine is also somewhat spiritually chared due to extensive prayer rituals which accompany the collecting, drying and preparing of herbs.
Or personally deliver your donation in cash or in cheque to Ven. Paltul Rinpoche. His blessings and gratefulness are guaranteed.